Our Boats – What do we sail?
We have eleven Hansa 303 dinghies. Find out more about the Hansa 303
These are ideal if you want to be taken on a ‘pleasure trip’. You will be accompanied by an experienced sailor and can relax and enjoy our beautiful lake.
You want to learn to sail?
If you want, we can show you how to sail. An experienced sailor will show you how to use the jib, mainsail and joystick. Our aim is to develop your sailing skills to the maximum of your ability. So just let us know what you want. If you want to sail on your own, you may then progress to an Hansa 2.3 single seat dinghy for your first solo sailing.
You are an experienced sailor, capable of sailing on your own
If you are an experienced sailor, and once you have passed our competency test, you will be able to sail the 303 solo. For your comfort, we can fit the boat with a single seat or provide waterproof cushions to support you.
We have three Hansa 2.3. Find out more about the Hansa 2.3
This is the ideal choice for your first introduction to solo sailing. It is safe, simple and forgiving.
Electrically Controlled Access 2.3
We have one electrically controlled Hansa 2.3. If you have limited mobility or no use of your limbs, then this can be an incredibly empowering and liberating experience. One of our sailors, Keith Harris, sails using just his tongue and says “On the water, everyone is equal.“
We have two 2.4 Metre Keel Boat. Find out more about the 2.4 keel boat
If you want to experience the thrill of sailing, then why not progress to “The most popular single handed keelboat in the world”. These are based on the bigger 12 metre yachts used in the America’s Cup.
We have 2 x 2.4 metre keel boats.
You can find a list of our current fleet here.